Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Give the boy a glass of mup! Er, malk!

So, this one's a short one.  No soap boxes or philosophical treatises.  Just a plug for our new favorite snack, along with some of Atticus's favorite words and hobbies.

Did you know that raisins are magical?  It's true!  They are for Atticus, anyway.  It turns out that you can get this little guy to eat just about anything if you put raisins with it.  It's not that he's a bad eater- he actually has relatively healthy tastes, but he hates being forced in any shape or form, which can make getting the food from his plate/bowl into his mouth tricky with his still developing hand-eye coordination.  But for some reason, he's a little more patient and willing to accept help when raisins are on the menu.  Hooray!

Oh, how communicative our little guy has become!

Some of our favorites include the following:

Please- it's gone from "Deeee" to "Deeese!"  And he does say it all the time.

Strawberries (Usually squealed, "SAWBEES!")
Cereal ("Sawee"- accompanied by him signing "cereal" across his chin)
Door- Went from "doh" to "duah"
More- "Mo" (I do think, "Mo' biscuits, sir?" every time!)
Ouch- Usually accompanied by pinching his legs or hitting his head.  Silly kiddo.

Some of the newest additions are "diaper" (it's pretty close!), "again" (this one's harder to recognize), "thank you" (not nearly as often), "potty" (and he's actually been peeing in his little potty every so often for the last week or so!), and "tractor"
We're still working on that one. ;)

I think my favorite might still be Milk- "Mup,"  Every time he says it I think of the Julian Smith skit about milk. :)

All this talking really is so exciting and fun, but sometimes it can be downright embarrassing.  For example, he loves our neighbor Nora ("Nowah!") so much that he yells her name whenever he sees her or anything/anyone that he associates with her.  This can be problematic at church, however...
Any ideas on how to help him learn to whisper (or just stop talking sometimes!) would be appreciated.

His favorite hobbies include the following:

-Cleaning.  Still loving it!  He has even tried to go solo with our vacuum!  I fear it may still be a little too awkward for him to handle at this point.  But that doesn't stop him from trying again. :)

-Throwing anything and everything down the stairs.  This has been going on for a while now but has definitely reached a new intensity.  Where before it was every couple of days it's now multiple times a day and he races to throw them down whenever he wakes up.

-Piggyback rides.  He's still not awesome at holding on (he's getting better!) but that didn't stop him from trying to make Grandma Marti give him a ride (he's calling her "Nana" now, by the way.  It's adorable).

-Spinning around in circles to make himself dizzy.  This is usually accompanied by having something sticking out of his mouth, be it a bottle, a spoon, or some other random object.  Maybe we shouldn't have laughed the first time, but I just can't seem to help myself.  It's hilarious!

-But more than anything, the child LOVES to play in blankets and pillows.  When Dane wakes up, Atticus loves to get on the bed, go under the covers or just bury his head under the pillows and have us tickle him and play peekaboo.
These are the moments I truly treasure.

Oh, how we love our sweet, quirky little boy!


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