Thursday, November 3, 2016

Goodbyes and Hellos

This month our family has gone through a lot of changes.

After being away for three pretty difficult months, Dane came home!  Hooray!  Ha, and then, in less than 72 hours, we were on the road headed to our new home.  We pulled the band-aid off slowly on that one.

Before leaving the state, we tried to get in as much quality time with family as we could.

We went on one last (awesome!) hike to see the colored leaves with Mimi (my mom):

We even got to see a bunch of tractors after our hike.  Atticus was spellbound.

We saw the amazing Light of the World display at Thanksgiving Point.  (If you haven't seen it yet, please go!  It really is a must see.)

 The one (only?) cool thing with saying all these goodbyes is that Atticus has gotten better at snuggling.  It was just in time!

Of course, we had to say goodbye to Atticus's favorite neighbor, Norah.  She even wrote Atticus a card and fixed him some snacks for the road!
Our final goodbyes involved taking a little early morning drive with Nana and Bobba.  That's Atticus's style!  Then we were off.

Thankfully, the trip went quickly and Atticus had a new friend several hours later when he met my childhood best friend's little boy, Bowman.
 You have to understand.  Bowman's mom, McKay and I, were like sisters growing up in the South.  Here's some proof that she showed me while we were staying with her.  I have a whole lot more evidence if needed, but it's in storage...
So we're pretty thrilled that our boys are already two peas in a pod!

Moving into our house turned out to be no easy matter.  After having stayed with Dane's family for a little less than a week, the closing was delayed again and again.  We went from one location for four days to another for a week to yet another for four more days.

Thank goodness, we finally did close- on Halloween Day, no less.  We were were exhausted and poor Atticus was more than a little disoriented by then.  Still, we did our darndest to celebrate the holiday.

Atticus entered a Halloween contest.  Not bad, if you ask me!

Before we left Utah, we went to Cornbelly's:

We went to a pretty awesome vegetable farm here in Las Vegas and Atticus kinda helped pick out a pumpkin.

We also went to a couple Halloween parties before taking Atticus to a few houses to "Too Twee" ("trick or treat")


 We thought he was the cutest little monster you ever saw, even if the costume was borrowed.


Here are a few more fun highlights from the month of October:

He likes broccoli now!  He was two fisting it a couple nights ago.