Monday, October 31, 2022

October 2022

October was a very busy month.
We started off with a trip to the pumpkin patch.  Lucy wasn't sure to make of some of it but I think the apple cider doughnuts won her over.
That weekend we watched General Conference.  It was a spiritual feast.
Then on Monday we went to the aquarium.  We were studying oceans and lakes this month and it was the perfect way to start the month.  The boys were in heaven.  Atticus kept saying, "This is the best day ever!"
On Wednesday we found out the gender of our little one who is due in February.  We are so excited to share our news!  "The Fourth is with us.... and he's a boy!"
That Friday we went to the Renaissance Fair.  We ended up spending all our time in the Pirate area and the boys loved it!  They watched a cannon and gun demonstration, made pirate maps and flags, watched swashbuckling pirates fight on stage and did much more.  It was so fun.

Next came the Primary Program.  It was my first time ever heading one up and so I struggled to manage my stress.  Fortunately, everything went great and I feel like we all had a wonderful, uplifting experience. 

Primary program recording:
Phew!  I am so happy it's over.  It feels like a huge weight is off my shoulders.

Then, of course, came Hinckley's birthday and Halloween.  

Unfortunately, Hinckley woke up the night before his party with a barking cough and a sick tummy.  After staying up with him a good part of the night I realized we would need to postpone the party for a couple weeks.  Thankfully, my sweet mom had planned to come that day and decided to brave the trip, even after our long night.  Her trip saved the day and made our weekend so special.
We still tried to give Hinckley the royal treatment, especially since the next day, other than some stuffiness, he really didn't seem very sick.  I had made a giant cake for his party so we cut into it on his birthday and made fettuccine alfredo, which is a favorite of all the men folk in these parts.
Although he was so disappointed at first when we postponed the party Hinckley recovered quickly and then he was the sweetest little birthday boy.  He woke up that morning and told me, "I feel different... My legs feel different!"  Later that day he told our good friend, "Ms. Kate!  I'm SOOO much older now!"  He was so grateful for each of the presents he received and has played happily with them ever since.  I think five is going to be a good year for this handsome little guy.
The next day was Bobba's birthday and all three kiddos drew him some fun cards.  

Of course, the day after that was Halloween and there were plenty of festivities to celebrate.

At the ward Trunk r Treat our judges gave our cute Lucy 1st place for her costume as Rey.
And somehow my ghost chili placed in the cook-off!  What a pleasant surprise.
We went with a Star Wars theme (again!) Atticus went as Kylo Ren, Hinckley as Luke Skywalker and Lucy as Rey.  I joined them as the Death Star.
Lucy loved all of it, dancing to the music at the Trunk r Treat and walking way further than we'd expected on Halloween night. She kept talking about "cahnies" all night and her first word was "cahnies" when she woke up the next morning.  She even started saying "Ti-teet" to our neighbors toward the end.  At the last house she added "Ha-aa--eeen!" after telling them "Dat doo."  I'm assuming it was her version of "Happy Halloween!"
Atticus had a very successful month as far as soccer is concerned.  He scored at four games in a row, scoring twice at one game and getting a hat trick at another.  It seemed he just needed to gain confidence with that first goal.  As I've said before, it is so fun to watch him play.  He has so much energy, he positions himself so well, and his ball handling skills are amazing.
Atticus's artwork is also improving.  He's usually in such a hurry that I can't see what he's capable of but every so often he really concentrates.  When he slows down he does a wonderful job.

The boys have been catching crickets on and off all month.  At one point they had caught 19.  While they are not my favorite critter their excitement can be contagious.
His confidence and skill continue to grow with his piano playing.  I love listening and try to sit down with him to do duets or show him new songs at least for a few minutes each day.  This month marks the first time he's ever written a song on the piano.  He played it for me repeatedly and I was able to write it on some composition paper.  We absolutely love that he enjoys himself enough to be creating new songs.
We're also pleased to report that Atticus has chosen to be baptized.  It will be in December.  Dane took him to a nearby park and took this fantastic picture.  I feel like it captures our little man- his playfulness but also his goodness and incredible potential- so perfectly.  Best of all, we were able to forever capture his toothless smile. I love it so much. Sometimes I hope those top teeth never grow in. 

  • "Woah!  You got bigger today!... I mean..." (sheepish laugh) "The baby got bigger..."
Oh, Hinckley.  As I mentioned earlier, he turned five this month.  He weighed in that morning at 38 lbs and when we measured him he was 40 inches.  

While he is starting to get mouthier (sigh!) he can also be the best peacemaker.

His artwork is really becoming impressive.  Once again, our wall is getting covered with Hinckley drawings.  This time, however, they aren't all of Batman.  They're beautiful, fully colored pictures of his favorite animals or of Jesus.  I love them and, as far as I'm concerned, he can wallpaper the place.  I love how much confidence he's gaining.
Similarly, his handwriting is getting so much better.  He asked to write out all the invitations for his party and I am just treasuring the way he wrote them.

I wish I could capture just how much we enjoy this kid who plays his new guitar and sings at the top of his lungs, who always wants to help me in the kitchen and who always remembers Lucy, his itty bitty baby brother Israel and everyone else around him.

Hinckley speaks:
  • "Why is he whistling?" (About President Russell M. Nelson while he was talking.)
  • "Is President Nelson still alive?" (While we were watching him speak!)
  • ("Are you ready to get up?")  "No.  My goose head still hurts." 
  • "Mom's not fat, Atticus!  She's pregnant!"  (But see the next day...)
  • "It looks like Mommy's got two bums!" (We all died laughing.  It's true!)
  • ("Why did Mom take your blanket?") "Because she's a mean 'ole witch!" (He had slapped me in the face with the blanket just a few minutes earlier.)
  • "Mom, what does human meat taste like?" ("Hinckley!!") "No!  I mean a dead human!" (he said it so defensively.)
  • "I'm all done guitaring" (putting down his new guitar.)
  • "If Lucy tries to touch my statue I'm going to pick her up and slam her on the couch." ("Hinckley!") "I'll do it softly!"
  • "I wish Israel was here." (while we were hiking on a beautiful day.) "Can he hear me?"
Our little Lucy is so stinking cute.  She loves to make us laugh by hopping around wherever we go.  She tells us she's bouncing.  Whatever it is, it's adorable.  

She's getting faster on her balance bike.  On Halloween she glided on her balance bike for the first time.  She did fall shortly afterward so she might be careful for a while but she's definitely getting the feeling.

She loves the "Freeze Dance" and this month she has started singing single words from "The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock."  She does almost all the actions.  It is so cute!

She has started "reading" scriptures with us (one word at a time) and she is putting more and more words together.  She's still hesitant and shy but I'm not a bit worried at all.
Listen to Lucy:
  • "A-muls/Adimals" (animals)
  • "Pan-died!" (Bandaid- for herself or anyone else who looks even remotely distressed.)
  • "Bay-downd" (Playground.)
  • "Bebe" (She is just LOVING babies.)
  • "Bops" (her crocs/shoes)
  • "Nean up!" (Clean up)
  • "Kine up" (Climb up)

Homeschool Updates:
One of my favorite things we did this month was this little art/writing activity.  Atticus enjoyed it so much he asked if he could do a second one.  While making it he said, "Thank you so much for having us do this!"  No complaints from this teacher!
This month we started our studies with pirates, reading Peter Pan again (it's so good and the boys begged me).  
We finished up the book Freckles during the first half of the month.  Although I was surprised with a little bit of mild language (so we had to read it, rather than listen to a librivox recording) it was a good book with some VERY exciting parts.
We then moved on to Spain, finding out some not so fun family history (the boys are related to some conquistadors... then again, they're also related to Native Americans... and a whole host of other ethnicities!)  We read and watched Ferdinand again, ate sopa de lentejas and spanish rice (delicious!)
and churros (not great!  we'll go somewhere else next time).
We also made castinets.  The castinets were such a hit!  Even Lucy decorated hers and loved them.
Next we studied Holland.  Man, we loved it.  We ate stroopwafels with (Dutch) hot chocolate,
had yummy Dutch stamppot with split pea soup and tried some yummy Dutch gouda cheese.  We also made some fun tulip paintings and read Wheel on the School, among many other great books and stories based in Holland.
Another fun update that is related to home school is that we have a garden!  We had dirt delivered (right before the primary program, actually- that timing was terrible...) and planted some fun winter vegetables.  Some are doing awesome, some aren't doing great but it's so fun to have something growing.  And one of the tomato plants that I started back in March is finally doing so well! 

As busy and stressful as the month has been, we have so many blessings to count.

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