Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Off we go, laughing and scratching: March 2020

Wow, was March a crazy month.

We were lucky.  Right before going into quarantine we were able to have a wonderful weekend with our family up in Utah.  We were able to hug our loved ones and converse with them, face to face (man am I starting to crave face to face conversations!)
https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1oB2gQDpbXzpSN_pe2rINL-Wd4E8t08Pe   https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1CGAAMWjW_acv6uxO2wcUbtUChixzrdSM
Dane and I got to go skiing together for the first time.  The snow was terrible but we didn't care!  We had never even ridden on the lift together (since we usually had kids to take turn watching) and we just laughed and laughed.  We are so grateful to my mom for giving us that chance.  The resorts all closed three days later and it was right before we all went home and...pretty much never left.  In the picture below you can see both of the boys passed out in the car on our way back.
That's right- we came home on a Sunday, the first Sunday that our church cancelled church, as it turned out, and life hasn't been the same since.

The Corona Virus has brought great fear and uncertainty to the world, at large, which has equated to unique challenges for pretty much everyone on an individual level.  I have gone through many emotional stages through it all- anger and scoffing at the initial panicking and hoarding that took place, stubbornness and disbelief as organizations seemed to be folding unnecessarily for social distancing, feeling humbled and even embarrassed at my initial reactions as I learned more, and, presently, patience and compliance as we've tried to be as cooperative as possible with the measures our society is taking to slow the spread of the virus.

Of course, I've felt fear.  We already have friends who are infected with the COVID-19 and we feel a considerable amount of anxiety for our family members who are especially vulnerable.  We pray for them and actually participated in a day of fasting and prayer on Sunday, March 29, led by our dear prophet, Russell M. Nelson.  We pray for the healthcare professionals who are on the front lines fighting the disease, for the manufacturers who have now turned all of their production to medical supplies that are desperately needed and for all others fighting this in various ways.

We're especially praying for our economy.  We're deeply concerned about the devastating effects all the safety precautions are having and will continue to have.  We're actually eating out now more than ever to hopefully help out various restaurants that might be suffering.  There are so many industries that this is affecting.

Another fear that we have is the difficulty we might have in regaining some of the rights we have surrendered.  Hopefully this proves to be unfounded but Dane and I are lovers of history and there is a pattern that we can't ignore.  Once a right is forfeited it can be very, very difficult to regain.  I don't want to say that the cure is worse than the disease but such has been the case in many instances in history.  Only time will tell.

But we are dealing with the inconveniences and fear that this pandemic has brought as best we can- with faith and stoicism.  We're trying to count our blessings and are seeing the unique opportunities this situation has brought- to us as a family and others.

Here's an example that has been on my mind (I copied and pasted it from a post I shared on our ward Relief Society page) 
I had an idea planted, probably a year ago, that I should get a deep freeze. It didn’t sound convenient and it would take space... we made all kinds of excuses and so we didn’t and put it off. Over the last year, however, all of those excuses became irrelevant. So, just a few weeks ago, when a salesman came by with just the kind of frozen food I was hoping to stock up on at a price I had been waiting for we didn’t hesitate at all. We went for it and got a deep freeze later that day. It has been so comforting in the last week.
I know if I hadn’t had that prompting over a year ago I probably would have hesitated and not made the purchase.
We would be fine without it, don’t get me wrong, but it has been such a source of comfort- both the food and the feeling that the Lord knows what is coming, He knows us and our preferences, and He can and will prepare us.

Here are more blessings we've been counting.

Though I didn't get my beloved corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick's Day we had a wonderful time.  A naughty leprechaun still managed to visit and surprise the boys and we were able to go on a fun shamrock hunt all through our neighborhood and to ward members' houses.  We found 87 of the darn things!  I was exhausted but it was a lot of fun.


I also just love having church at home.  Don't get me wrong- we all miss our friends and the feeling you get at church (I really miss our nursery kids!) but there has been such a sweet spirit as we've held sacrament meeting here, just the four of us.

Okay, enough with my thoughts about the Corona Virus.  Our boys are still growing and making us laugh.

While Atticus has definitely had cabin fever (the first week there were a few days that he went storming out into the garage yelling, "I don't care if I'm sick!" and very nearly violated our quarantine) he has also had such wonderful opportunities to create.  There are such kind people out there.  Just about every day he has asked to do art, meaning he'll watch an art tutorial by a professional and draw along with them.  He has improved so much and it is encouraging to see him feel greater confidence and start to get over his desire for being perfect.

This month he taught himself to whistle and we read two chapter books together (James and the Giant Peach and Stuart Little).  He's been climbing anything he can (which is why Dane and I put together a climbing wall up in the playroom- now to get some climbing holds!)  He climbed the gate to our fence and has been working his way along the cinderblock fence.  At the end of the month he made it to the back fence and was talking to his friend, Zuri.  We'll do anything to have a conversation in person, it seems.

A fun first for Atticus has been watching the first six episodes of Star Wars with Dane.  I have mixed feelings about it but the truth is he has heard the stories from the books we have and bedtime stories with his dad for years now... so there were no surprises for him.  We won't be allowing any of the others for quite some time but man, he has loved them (and handled them surprisingly well!)

He is asking more deep questions and is starting to share spiritual thoughts with us.  As we were discussing a friend who is of another faith he asked me, "How do we know that our church is true?  Maybe they are the right ones?"  It was a good discussion.

Another time, he told me, "Mom, I have a scripture lesson," and shared the cutest thought about how we have to stay anchored to Christ and the gospel or the winds of life will blow us down (he had been playing with a piece of metal and positioning it by itself and then by a larger object).

Last, when we were making slime and talking about states of matter he solemnly told me that we have to stay solid on the path and the gospel or we'll just run off like liquids or float away like gas.  It was wonderful.  He still tells us, "I never get answers to my prayers!" but some of this is sinking in, already.  That's all I can ask for.

  • "I’m starting to like being on the good guys team more."  
  • "I have very sensitive ears.  You need to tiptoe."
  • "I mere Elinore." ("[I'm going to marry] Elinore," written in a note to his cute friend, Ellie)
  • "I want to see Mimi!" (When we get to her house he heads straight downstairs to play video games- he totally played us!)
  • "It’s okay, we all have different talents." (He's starting to deal with not mastering something right away!  Hooray!)
  • "That’s not my good hand.  It’s only good for fighting"
  • "Don’t worry, Hinckley.  Bobba and Nana will take good care of us."
  • "No you can’t!/shouldn’t!  You have a baby!"
  • "Mom, since you have a baby and shouldn’t work out will you sit and watch a show with me?"
  • "Freaking dang, it’s not fair!"
  • "I wish I’d never come to this earth!" (after being told life isn’t fair and that’s why we came to earth)
  • "I’m going to draw a leopard.  It’s in my head.  My brain will direct me."
Hinckley is such a cutie.  He has a little bouncy, toddler run with high knees that makes us laugh.  He is using full sentences all the time- probably 60% of the time.  He wants to help with EVERYTHING in the kitchen.  It’s adorable but can be so frustrating and messy.  

He’s still loving the blender.  In fact, when we visited family he had a blender that he carried around at each house, the spoiled little guy.

Speaking of the trip, my brother was sick while we were there (not Corona virus) so Danny didn’t get to spend time with the boys but this gave them a chance to bond with my sister Bobbie and brother Corky more.  Hooray!

Here is Hinckley getting some royal treatment before bed.  What you can't see is that Ashton and Corky were in the room, too!  He was so happy- lucky boy.

Since we’ve been at home so much he has had more chances to wear undies and use the potty.  He’s actually really great in the morning but if we put pants or shorts over the underwear his chances of success go down, considerably.  And he is not anywhere close to being ready to poop in the potty.  

This child does NOT like pooping.  Whenever he feels it coming he’ll announce it loudly and will walk around on his tiptoes, squeezing his little cheeks to try and keep it in.  And we’re not talking about hard poops, either.  They are fine!- soft and healthy.  We’re thinking he just doesn’t want something to happen that’s out of his control.  I’ll have more to report on this next month, I’m sure.
I’m also hoping I’ll have more to report on his bike riding next month.  It took a cute pep talk from Atticus but Hinckley has finally decided he wants to be a big boy and has been asking to ride his balance bike!  This is a big deal- he looks just like Atticus did when he first started.  We’re hoping that in a month or two he’ll be balancing like a champ.

Hinckley Speaks-
  • "Help me." (I want to help)
  • "Dump it."
  • "MOM!  I POOPING!" (does not want to poop)
  • "_______, Kay?"
  • (After a request) " Kay, sure."
  • "Max, sit Eekee" ("Max, sit with Hinckley")
  • (Atticus- "Marco") "Polo!" (Again and again...)
  • "Mmmm.  Delicious!"
  • "I lub oo, Mom." (Unprompted, maybe once a day, accompanied by a hug)
  • "Vacuum!" (The vacuum is the new blender as of the end of the month.)
Here are some of our quarantine exploits-
https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=11cMca0z0LW_0aV30Nv9Rpg7bcCukJcDo    https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1dTb-8ODB6IDg9qWwhPiPSa9qDBbhtz_ahttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=14eXRGaAjNaquMo-LgV83QQRNki4j1bu_

Chatting with friends, building swings, box creations, slime and so many other activities.  https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1qHYszIsbur6yA1zpGG01AL76JopP22ZH

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