Monday, November 4, 2019

Maes Report: October 2019

October was not our favorite month but there were a lot of sweet moments and lessons along the way.

Shortly after finally announcing our pregnancy (I was 12 weeks along so we thought we were safe) we found out that our little one no longer had a heartbeat.  It definitely sent our family reeling but we were showered with love and support and time is slowly bringing healing.  I've talked and written so much about it that I don't want to say much more in this post, other than to express our gratitude.  We are so grateful for everyone who has prayed, spoken with and reached out to us.  And we're eternally grateful for our loving Father in Heaven.  He has a plan for us and for our little one.

Hinckley is growing so fast!  He has been going potty in the toilet here and there (he even pooped once), so we're cautiously excited.  He "counts" to ten and his numbers sound surprisingly close.  It's so cute to listen to him count with his eyes covered while playing hide and seek.  He is putting more words and tiny sentences together and is even learning how to pray!  He does usually wait to repeat what is said to him but is becoming more and more original.

He still has a nose for trouble- one of his favorite things to do is go through the Tupperware.  In addition to rearranging it he loves to grab a big one and fill it with random things around the house.  One of the craziest moments was when I caught him putting his toy vacuum in the toilet.

He is CRAZY about trucks now.  It's so cute.  He seems to think they are his friends.  When he's in the stroller we go hunting for them.  At his 2 year old appointment he was crying the minute we went into the exam room.  Thank heaven, there was a window and outside there were construction trucks working.  He calmed down immediately as he watched them.  Speaking of his appointment, he's still pretty small, only 22% in height (his head and weight are average).
He's also a little slave driver.  This month he has developed a love for the vacuum and our double stroller.  He is always asking me to vacuum or take him for a run.  I know they're both good for me but good grief!
One thing I think we take for granted is how well Hinckley sings.  We were at the park and he sang all of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to me.  A mom overheard and was shocked because her daughter (who is a few months older than Hinckley) is still only saying a few words.  Hinckley has been singing for months now.  Watching that little girl play it was obvious that she was more advanced than him in some gross motor activities (not that it's definitely a competition!) but it was good to be reminded how lucky we are that we get to listen to his sweet voice.

He also turned TWO this month!  We were able to celebrate up in Utah in conjunction with Bobba's birthday (who turned 60 this month!)  We had a wonderful time with all of the Maes crew.  It was short but very sweet.  

While we were there the boys were also able to help Bobba with some raking.  They had a blast and made some money, to boot.
We celebrated Hinckley's birthday a second time at the end of the month when my mom and brother came down for Halloween.  It was another short visit but we so enjoyed having them.

Hinckley Speaks:

  • "I’m sorry Max." (for real first sentence after swatting at the dog)“No.” (To virtually everything- he’s making up for lost time)“Watah.” (He just stopped calling water “Deedah”)
  • "Buddies, buddies!" (said excitedly as he chases after "birdies")
  • "Yes." (almost always whispered)
  • "Stop!" (To Atticus while telling a long story/explanation)
  • "Give it up!" (Atticus having temper tantrum)
  • "Chwucks, are you?"  ("Trucks, where are you?!"  He is in LOVE with all trucks now)
  • "Peeyoo!" "Stinky!"  "Gwoss!" (he thinks it's hilarious when we get grossed out)
  • "Bwess you!"
  • "Addiss/Daddy/Mommy?  Okay?"  ("Are you okay?"- he's very sensitive when someone is sad/hurt)
  • "Eedee/Eekee" ("Hinckley") 
  • "Sing!" To me all the time after seeing/hearing something that makes him think of a song he likes.
  • "Welcome!" (often said to himself after saying, "Dat you!")

Of course, October means pumpkin patches and Halloween festivities.  We loved it all! 
I'm not going to lie, I was so proud of myself for making our family theme work out this year.  It's probably going to be a one time thing.  But aren't those kiddos cute?
Atticus has had a great month. I have been taking a parenting course and I love it.  He and I have had WAY fewer blowouts.  It's not really changing his behavior yet but it's already helping my behavior and outlook.  That alone is worth its weight in gold.
 He is learning SO much and I love seeing how his mind works on his assignments and even on the birthday cards he makes.

He was a part of his second ever primary program and he was terrific!  He behaved so well and sang with all of his heart (we could hear him loud and clear for the first three songs).  When it was his turn to go up his class shared things they loved to do with their family.  Some of the kids whispered or mumbled but not Atticus.  Everyone could hear him tell the congregation, "I like watching shows with my daddy!”

 Speaking of which, he watched his first what we consider "grownup" movie this month: The Princess Bride.  He loved it and has watched it a few more times.  He is SO sensitive to the movies and songs he's exposed to (asks about every word and scenario) so we are really careful about what he sees.  It's been so fun to quote it with him, though, that we can't wait to show him more favorites.

Some of our most memorable moments this month were probably watching Atticus play soccer!  He went from being just okay and apathetic about the sport to being all in and caring too much about the outcome.  There were a couple games where he scored over 5 goals and his defense was even better than his offense!  He really has a gift for seeing the field and understanding the game for his age.

I wish we had more game footage to share but I was coaching and Dane was on Hinckley duty (which usually meant they were off on the other side of the park chasing birds).

Look at this little sports model.  I can't tell you how much I loved watching his progress this season.  There were some embarrassing emotional outbursts but we expected those, so here's hoping we can help him develop more self control over the next year.
 Here he is with his adorable little teammates.
  • "I’m sorry__________I just can’t help myself!" (reasons include wanting to eat certain foods, wanting to listen to the same song repeatedly, or to wrestle with the dog)
  • "I feel like something is missing in my life."
  • "Mommy, what’s wrong?"  (He has been so compassionate this month whenever he had seen me crying.)
  • "Are you going to be sad forever?" 
  • “I’m so excited for the big game!” (All day one Friday) “I need to work out for the big game.”
  • “I had a soccer dream!” (day of the “big” game)
  • “Wait, Bobba’s going to laugh his real head off?”
  • “I’m keeping lots of water in my mouth so it can get warm and when a bad guy comes I can shoot it out of my mouth at him and while he can’t see I’ll get away.”
  • (After mommy and daddy had a disagreement)  “Sometimes people just need alone time.  Daddy needs alone time.  And if he comes back you can tell him, ‘If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.’"  When Dane comes back, "Uh oh, here comes that frowny face.” 
  • "Can I help twist your muffin?" (Bun in my hair)
That's it for October.  We'll finish off with some shots of Max.  Oh Max, you adorable little ragamuffin.

1 comment:

  1. I adore this so much. So much cuteness and sweetness! You amaze me every month I read your blog. Love you!
