Saturday, December 1, 2018

November 2018

Hello December!  

This is a belated update but at Hinckley's 1-year-old appointment he was just over 20 lbs.  He's small- in the 17th percentile for height, 27th for weight but his head circumference is catching up (he's now at the 50th percentile.)
He does seem to know "Dada" and "Mama" now and I could have sworn he was saying "bath" with me a few days ago.  He is mimicking us all the time, saying, "Shhh!" when Atticus pretends to sleep/snore.  I'm pretty sure he's given me kisses a couple of times.  He is making animal sounds more and more- he definitely was howling with Atticus and me last night.  
We LOVE his singing.  I think "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" is his favorite- he "doot-doots" along with us and waves his arm up and down to the beat.  Speaking of which, he has been waving at us more regularly (it's still sporadic).

He points and claps all the time (he loves "If You're Happy and You Know it.")  He has learned how to go down the stairs on his hands and knees (hooray!) but getting started is still a little tricky.  His 8th tooth finally came in just before Thanksgiving, so he's got an even set of chompers for now.

My favorite development this month was sleeping longer. With a couple of exceptions, Hinckley has started sleeping through the night!  It is such a blessing!  
It all started when I left for 24 hours or so for my mission companion's wedding.  I served with Maggie Sabey twice in Armenia and she is an incredible person and friend.  It was so good to be able to celebrate with them!  Meanwhile, Dane held down the fort and let Hinckley cry a little more.  (He also introduced some yogurt and some milk- more fat, better sleep?)  While he's still struggling with digesting dairy products, it's been so wonderful to feel like a person again.

Atticus must be grateful for sleep, too, because every time he has been asked to make a list of things he is grateful for, he has responded, "My bed!"  He has even started drawing his bed every so often.  I asked him why and he said it was because he loved his bed ("It's my favorite place!")  What?!?!  

Sleep is just one of the many blessings we had to be thankful for during this Thanksgiving season.  We are SO blessed to have such wonderful friends teaching Atticus.  He adores all of the Barnum family and they take such great care of him and the other Sunbeams.

We are also grateful for beloved family members.  My mom and brother came to stay with us for Thanksgiving.  Their visit was short but so sweet.  Atticus woke up bright and EARLY so he could read books and snuggle with Mimi in the mornings.  Then he would badger Uncle Danny pretty much all day long.  He was in heaven.  
We've also been very grateful for Atticus's growing testimony and his understanding of prayer.  When he hears that something is wrong or someone is hurting, he immediately suggests that we pray.  Dane actually caught him praying on his own a week or so ago.  I hope he never stops.  
 Speaking of that little munchkin, it's time to focus on his milestones.

Atticus turns four in two days!  We are having an animal birthday party because of his ongoing obsession with wolves ("and foxes and jackals and coyotes and dingos...")

 He is learning so much.  He knows every letter of the alphabet and is getting better and better at tracing and free writing them.

Atticus has surprised me by playing "family" a lot with his little friend, Skye this month.  They even talk about having to go to the "wedding store" to get a wedding dress sometimes.  We've tried not to take it too seriously but it has led to several conversations about the dos and don'ts of kissing.  It's so cute but very unfamiliar territory for me.  I thought boys were supposed to think girls have cooties! 
We are still struggling to help tame Atticus's wild temper but he really has wonderful moments with Hinckley.
Sunday guacamole and bath time.

Here are the boys playing, "Grinch and Max."  Atticus has the story practically by heart (it's so cute to listen to him recite it).  We've already watched it 4+ times and it's only December 1st...


  • "It's my baby's birthday." (when we celebrated Hinckley's birthday again- he was telling all of the neighbors he saw outside)
  • "Mommy, I could really use some playtime with you."  
  • "My nose hurts, my throat hurts, my tummy hurts, but my bum doesn't hurt."
  • "How about we have a sick play date with Skye?"
  • Me- "We all need to get better at keeping the commandments.  Mommy needs to be better, Daddy needs to be better..."  Atticus- "Like at brushing his teeth?"
  • "Life is hard Hinckley.  It's a hard life, Hinckley!"
  • "Is Daddy never coming home?"
  • "I want to serve my mission in the cold places with wolves."  
  • "What if a one-eyed monster comes under my bed through the wall?  What if ants come?" (right after watching A Bug's Life)
  • "You kissed me on the lips!  You love me, you want to marry me!"
  • "Mommy, your hands are old, old old."
  • "I want to go with the devil." (to bug me and his Sunday School teachers)

I did want to share one thought I had earlier in the month while both of the boys were sick (Hinckley is sick again- poor little guy.  He has weak lungs and it requires us to spend a lot more time indoors than we're used to.)

Dane sent me a link to a video.  As I watched it with Atticus, he kept asking, "Why doesn't the mommy bear help the baby bear?!"  I could tell he was getting upset.  I have to admit, I was wondering the same thing.  But the resolution is so sweet and really made me think.  How often am I tempted to swoop in and rescue my boys when I might need to let them struggle a little more so they can learn and grow?  A good friend suggested letting them struggle when the cost of failure is low.  I have no doubt this is a principle I'll need to revisit again and again.

I also thought of the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son in Matthew 15:11-20.  There are times that we need to actively go and seek out those who are lost/struggling, but there are times when we just have to wait and watch and be ready to receive them with open arms when they get back.

Of course, in the end, we all are probably more like the baby bear than the momma bear.  I have so many times that I feel like I'm falling and failing again and again...and again...  I'm so grateful for a Heavenly Father who knows my limits and my needs.  I still have plenty of prayers that are more yelled than spoken (when under duress) but I do know that, in hindsight, it is all for my good and for my growth.

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