Friday, March 3, 2017

Singing in the Rain

I didn't take as many photos this month.  I think it's mostly due to the mixed hand of illnesses poor Atticus was dealt.  In fact, I think I may have jinxed us with all that talk about being illness-free in the last post (Atticus got a pretty wicked bug only a day or two later!)

We're not really sure what it was.  A friend of ours had the flu, but Atticus tested negative.  Still, even the doctor we saw said it was flu-like and could very well have been a different flu that his test wouldn't have picked up.  In the end, we had him take an antibiotic (just in case pneumonia was hiding behind his cough) and had to ride it out.

This, of course, meant we had to sleep train.  Again.  But it wasn't nearly as hard this time around.  Sure, a week later he got another cough (it's still going strong, I'm afraid), but  we're pretty sure it's allergies this time around.  And he's still sleeping, thank heavens.

But yes.  February was not our healthiest month.

There was definitely silver lining on our clouds of illness, though.  For starters, Bobba came and saved the day!  Bless his heart, poor Bobba came to help us out while Atticus was sick... Unfortunately, the illness had no regard for age and nabbed him, too.  But oh, how Atticus enjoys his time with his grandpa.  

Another blessing for the month?  Beautiful, mild weather (for the most part).  It turns out that February can be gorgeous in certain climates.  Who knew?  It has never been my favorite month in the past but that just might change.  We spent plenty of time at parks and outside, even when a rainstorm made its way through.  Atticus quite enjoyed splashing in puddles for his first time.

Another reason we loved February was a singing class we started.  We're holding it weekly at our church and it is a blast!  Atticus gets to go with his best friend and is starting to participate more and more.  Here he is, serenading the group with a couple of his pals:

Here's one of the favorite songs for the kids (and especially for Atticus): the Freeze Dance.

Sure, I'd say that 80% or more of his time (and the other younger toddlers) is spent running around, climbing on the piano, and hiding in the cupboards of the Primary room, but all the effort and energy is worth it.  Why?  Because he's starting to sing! 

His first song where he really was trying to sing the words all the way through was Popcorn Popping!  I love it when I can get him to do the actions along with it.  He is also singing the ABCs more and more, too!
Another song he's getting better at is I am a Child of God.  He'll sit at the piano and play, bobbing his head up and down and sing every few words.  My heart melts every time.

His prayers are getting a little more confident (perhaps too confident?...)

We're working on reverence, ha ha. 

A new love for Atticus is playdough.  I love it (for now!) because it keeps him entertained for a surprisingly long amount of time at the counter.  ;)  Here he is playing with some while his bestie was over:

Possibly my favorite change this month, however, is his increased independence and confidence.  For example, he no longer cries when I leave him at a friend's house or in nursery.  In fact, he jumps out of my arms and RUNS into nursery so he can see his beloved Sister Zobrist (it sounds something like "Sis-zo-ber").  Here the two of them are (Atticus is sporting a sweet new 'do she gave him):

When he gets to a friend's house, he starts saying, "Bye bye, Mommy" in the driveway and just runs on in (it's kinda hard to get him to come home now!)  And at night (this is seriously the best part!) he has stopped crying at bedtime.  He is still a little sad and asks me to "lay down" but, usually, if we say another prayer together (his idea), we can turn off the lights and say goodnight without any screaming.

If you had told me even a month ago this was possible for our little screamer, I think I might have laughed (politely) in your face.  We've had so many sleep setbacks that I don't want to have false hopes, but it sure has been glorious for the last few nights.

Goodbye, for now!

P.S. I forgot two lovely details.  One: Dr. Seuss!  This kid LOVES Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in the Hat (so I should mention he is actually sitting for stories now!)  A couple days after reading Green Eggs and Ham the first time, we were at a restaurant.  I had ordered salmon and I asked Atticus, "Do you want to try salmon?"  He goes, "I'll try it, Sam!"  It only took a moment for us to realize he was referring to that old Sam I am in the book.  And to his credit, he tried it, Salm(on).  But he did not like it, Sam-I-am.

Also, he gives the absolutely best hugs pretty often now.  He buries his head in your shoulder.  There is no greater feeling.

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