That being said, prior to the events of October 1, we had a great month! Man, was it speedy!
First, Atticus started going to Joy School. While he's far from a model student, I LOVE the lessons he's been getting and can tell that little bits are sticking with him. More importantly, it gives him a chance to interact regularly with wonderful kiddos of various ages, practice listening to different teachers, and I can tell that he and the others really are finding the "joy" that can be had in learning.
Here's his "first day" photo. (I must admit, I forgot to take one his first day, since I was teaching! Mom fail.)
Seasons Clothing and A is for Alligator...
Here's some proof that he's learning. One morning he shocked me- he had the entire Pledge of Allegiance memorized!
We also try to have educational moments on our own, as well. Here's our little David trying out a sling we made together so he could slay Goliath. It didn't work very well but he still enjoyed it.
Something that made us laugh (and butt heads!) a lot this last month was costumes. I'm sure I've mentioned before just how much Atticus likes to dress up, but there are days that it really seems to get out of hand. We often have shopping trips like the one below and days spent... well, in capes. I'm afraid that I did end up having to hide a couple costumes when he started fighting over them with another friend.
Don't let that underwear photo fool you. We aren't potty training yet, I'm sorry to say. We're just not ready. The photo was taken on a day he asked to wear undies (for a couple of hours). He generally is very, VERY opposed to the idea. Our fingers are crossed that he comes around sometime soon...
Here are some fun photos of an 80s birthday party Dane and I attended. We had a great time!
Our baby boy could come any day now (Nov. 10, so we're praying he stays put until then!)
Atticus has asked repeatedly that we take the rocking chair out of his room so we can put it in Hinckley's room. He also likes to yell at the baby to "Come out!" and says he wants to give him toys, push him in the stroller (now extremely clean, thanks to Dane!) and give him milk.Don't let that sweetness fool you. Atticus still has moments (and days) where he is pretty darn difficult. He likes to occasionally say that he is a "punter" (also comes out as a "pumper" or a punker"). It's his way of saying that he's a punk (and proud of it!)
More one-liners:
"I want to go to Africa so I can be with Collin" (former nursery worker from church who's on a mission in Uganda)
"Peter? Peter Rabbit?" (said during General Conference when someone mentioned Peter--Simon Peter)
"I made this for you!" (said about food, works of art, etc.) I love that, very often, he either did not make the food/work of art in question or had no intention, whatsoever, of giving it away at first! ;)
"I am a rabbit. Hop, hop!" said while eating huge carrots (and finishes them!) and hopping around on the floor.
"Tell Goldilocks story" (this was his favorite for a while)
"Tell me a saw story" (took me a while to figure out he wanted to hear about Saul!)
"Tell me ______________ story." This kid LOVES his stories- from personal anecdotes, Bible and Book of Mormon stories, to adding monsters to true stories, he can listen for surprising amounts of time. It's a fun challenge, trying to come up with new ones that are worth telling.
"I want milk/water in the sky!"
"What? What you said?"
Milestones worth mentioning:
We thought we were seeing the end of naps earlier in the month. He just wasn't napping!- Trouble was, by the mid-afternoon he would start to stutter, his speech was slurred, and his behavior was just terrible. Then, when he started waking in the night again, I knew we had to make a change. So we now have almost the exact same routine for naps as nights. And he gets a treat for both, if he falls asleep. Is this bribery? Maybe. Has his speech and behavior improved? Absolutely.
He's now definitely a size 3 in shirts and is awkwardly in-between sizes in pants (he has the curse of the short Brough legs!) It's sad laying some of our favorite shirts to rest, but we do love that he's getting so big! Speaking of which, he's seen a related growth in appetite (there was one lunch where he ate 6 pieces of bacon! SIX!) He's also learning to dress himself and put his clothes away.
Just today I was blessed to have some sweet friends throw a baby shower. Even some of the Young Women came. I received diapers, wipes, freezer meals and, most importantly, the gift of love and support (and some great advice!) I am so grateful!
We're excited for our baby boy to come but we're also trying to enjoy every last minute while we can of our little threesome.
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