Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sidles, Steps and Standing!

The month of February has been exciting!

No, our little guy isn't ready to run a 5K just yet, but he has started standing every so often (when he is distracted with something in his hands) and he does the cutest knee walk (it's very often more of a sidle).

Neither of these feats has been long enough or predictable enough to get great footage, but here is just a taste of the knee walking/sidling:

Most notably (on Saturday, February 20, if we're being exact) he took two fairly controlled steps before sitting down. You can imagine our relief.  Dane and I are fairly confident that he's going to be okay, but you just can't stop your heart from worrying a little about your child's development.  No, there have been no encore performances thus far, but we feel confident it really is just a matter of time.

Atticus isn't the only one who's moving.  As though they knew it was our son's 15th month mark, just today, March 3, we FINALLY heard from the Postal Inspectors!  We now know that we'll be moving to Las Vegas in mid-October.  Hooray for having a concrete location and date!!!!

But back to the little man.

He had his 8th tooth come through during mid-February (so we're even again with 4 and 4).

And one of my favorite milestones yet was his first (real) word- "Ticka-Ticka" (as in "tickle").  He's made monkey sounds intentionally, too and my mom swears she has heard multiple words.  We're less sure of the words she's heard, but he's definitely fun to listen to with his tongue "jabbling" as Marti calls it, his whisper talk, and his "yeahs," "oohs" and "ooahs."

This month has also been fun because we've been implementing some of the ideas our friend and neighbor Stephanie Andelin has shared with her "Win With Food" program (for more information, check out her website

Atticus has had so much fun exploring and learning to love new foods.  Hopefully this openness continues...

But the biggest milestone this month, welllll...  we just gave it away, didn't we?  Atticus had his first hair cut.  Er, chop.  Allow me to explain...

Our little guy's hair was adorable.  Am I right?  I mean just look at him!

Sure, it was in his eyes.  And yes, when we slicked it back in the bath tub it was quite undeniably a mullet.  But I loved every bit of it, including the food that he so often rubbed in it.  Still, Dane thought he could give him a trim to get it out of his eyes.

Annnnd, long story short, Dane left with our baby and came home with a little boy:

It's amazing what a difference hair makes.

I was in mourning for a good four or five days, and I wasn't very nice to Dane for the first 24 hours, but I'm now at peace with it.  He's still pretty darn cute.

Oh, there's been plenty of tortilla making and hanging out with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Marti:

 And we celebrated his second Valentine's day.  Here he is reading his very first Valentine from Grammy (Grandma Toni).
He got to see the Provo Temple with her, as well!  He was so well behaved.

 And, of course, there's been plenty of exploring around the house and elsewhere:
 Well, that's it for now.  Remember, if you ever find yourself unsure of what to do, just ask yourself the age old question:
Why, ride his horse in his diaper, of course!
Until next month!  The naked cowboy and I bid you farewell.