Monday, January 15, 2024

Grandma Toni Saves the Tournament

For President's Day Weekend, the club soccer team I coach wanted to participate in the Ice Breaker soccer tournament down in St. George.  I thought it was a great idea, in theory, but was very worried about how little Atticus would get along with all of the excitement, especially since Dane couldn't get the time off.

Here he is before his first soccer game (outside the womb- he's attended many a game in utero)

Thank goodness for Mom.  My mother volunteered to come and seriously saved my life.  I can't overemphasize just how much her being there helped.  First, she was holding Atticus and entertaining him pretty much all the time, but also, every time I was stressed or worried about Atticus, or my girls' or the parents' drama (which was minimal but it was there) my sweet mom was there to smile at me, offer comfort, and help me relax.  For all intents and purposes, she was, yet again, reminding me that it was "only a movie!"  I would survive the weekend!

But the movie got a little crazier.  Sunday night I was nursing Atticus when I started having stomach pains.  For the next 9 hours or so I was going back and forth, throwing up and praying that Atticus would be okay.  Meanwhile, my sweet mother rocked my baby and kept him asleep.  She helped me problem-solve and figure out what to do.  She packed the car and DROVE for more than three hours in the dark to get me home so I could receive a priesthood blessing.  It was more than anyone should have to do- especially a 70-year-old grandma!
And you know what? Even though I could tell she was exhausted, sore, hungry, and frightened (who wants to drive someone else's car at 80+ miles an hour in the early morning?) she kept telling me it was all going to be okay.  It was only a movie.
And she was right.  Dane and Bob gave me and Atticus a priesthood blessing and my fever broke in the next hour and a half.  Atticus is just fine.  And my milk supply is getting back to normal.
I believe in the power of prayer and in the power of the priesthood.  And I love and will forever be grateful for my mom.


  1. Oh, Noelle, what a beautiful story and tribute to the mother who has literally given her life for her children so many times over the years. Congratulations for being a mother and for appreciating yours.

  2. Oh, wow! I didn't know about any of that. Great job, Mom! And way to hang in there, Noelley! And Atticus!

  3. I wish I could have come and helped you, but I am glad you had your mom there when you were so ill.
    (cute booties, by the way ;)
